Home & Academy Agreement
The academy will do its best to:
Support the principals of “Every Child Matters” by providing a safe, healthy, supportive and stimulating learning environment in which each child is treated as an individual and the needs of all are considered.
Encourage children to work hard and enjoy and achieve a high standard of education by delivering a balanced and carefully planned curriculum which meets the needs of your child and the requirements of the National Curriculum.
Encourage children to behave appropriately and take pride and pleasure in their own achievements and others’ achievements, and learn how to become a good citizen.
Set a planned program of homework activities that support your child’s learning and keep you fully informed about your child’s progress.
Welcome you into the community of the academy, keep you informed about the work we have planned for your child, arrange parents’ evenings, send out newsletters and notes that keep you up to date and informed about life in the academy.
Contact you as soon as possible if we have any worries or concerns regarding attendance, work, behaviour or punctuality.
We ask that our parents and guardians will do their best to:
Ensure their child attends the academy regularly, on time and is collected promptly at the end of the school day.
Contact the academy in writing or by phone if their child is absent.
Contact the academy if they have any concerns, worries or problems that may affect their child’s ability to complete tasks.
Get to know about their child’s life at the academy.
Attend parent’s evenings and discussions about their child’s progress.
Support their child with homework, projects and events.
Support academy policies for behaviour, discipline, and the safety of the academy community.
Ensure that their child is dressed in the correct academy uniform.
We ask that our pupils will do their best to:
Try hard and listen carefully to instructions.
Talk at home about what they have learnt at school.
Complete all my homework.
Not miss a day from the academy and arrive on time.
Wear my uniform everyday and look after it.
Keep the academy rules, be polite, behave well and be helpful to all members of the academy community.
Tell a member of the academy staff if they are unhappy or worried.