Read Write Inc


At Meadstead Primary, we want all children to leave us at the end of Year 6 confident, fluent readers with a love of reading. Children are given lots of opportunities to read in a variety of different lessons and areas around our school. We strongly believe that if a child can read then they will be successful in all areas of our curriculum. We have a large library area where children can read for pleasure a book of their choice and where phonic interventions and teaching takes place. Our Early Reading Lead is Miss Lianne Taylor

Phonics and Early Reading 

At Meadstead, we follow a program called Read, Write Inc (RWI), which is a systematic approach to teaching phonics. Phonics is a method of teaching children to read. Phonics works by breaking words down into its individual sounds. There are 44 different sounds in the English language. Learning to read with phonics is therefore a bit like learning a code, and after learning just a few sounds, you will be able to use this code to read hundreds of words. The more sounds you know, the more words you will be able to work out how to read. Not all words are phonetically decodable, however, a select few words you need to learn through the 'sight words' method of learning to read. 

The Read Write Inc. program is for primary school children learning to read. It is phonics based which helps children learn to read whilst also developing a wide range of vocabulary and encouraging a love of stories. Read Write Inc. is a government backed phonics scheme designed by Ruth Miskin, which through systematic teaching and consistent routines, enables children to achieve high levels of reading success. It was developed by Ruth Miskin and more information on this can be found at At Meadstead Primary Academy, we believe that reading is the key to all learning and we are fully committed to making sure that every child is a reader by the end of KS1. 

How it works...

Children start their Read Write Inc  journey as soon as they join Reception class. By making a strong start, the children learn to read effortlessly so that they can put all their energy into comprehending what they read. It also allows them to apply their phonetic knowledge to spelling so that they can put their energy into composing what they write.

Children are assessed and grouped according to their sounds knowledge and reading speed / accuracy. They will work with a teacher or teaching assistant and will be assessed at a minimum half termly to ensure that swift progress is made. Children will take home a RWI book as soon as they can blend sounds into words. This book will be changed at least weekly and the book should be read easily (fluently) by your child so that they can thoroughly understand what they have read. They will also bring home a 'Book Bag Book'. This is an extra book that they have not seen at school, which is matched to their current reading level. These books need to come home and back to school every day, as they will be changed regularly and children will read them in school as well. 

The sound that the children are taught are split into sets. They are listed below:

10 Top Tips.pdf
rwi sounds progression with phrases.pdf