Physical Education
Curriculum Intent
Curriculum Sequencing
PE Kit:
All children require the following items for all PE lessons:
White Polo Shirt
Black Shorts
Black Slip on pumps for indoor use
Jogging Bottoms or track suit trousers for outdoor use
Sweatshirt for outdoor use
Trainers for outdoor use
Swimming kit and towel for swimming lessons when required
Please ensure that all clothing is clearly marked with your child's name, so that it can be returned to you in the event that it is misplaced.
PE Days:
CIRP - Ocean
Reception - Tuesday
Class 1 - Monday & Friday
Class 2 - Wednesday & Thursday
Class 3 - Tuesday & Friday
Class 4 - Monday & Tuesday
Class 5 - Thursday & Friday
Class 6 - Wednesday and Thursday
Your child needs their P.E kit in school Monday to Friday, due to Character Curriculum sometimes involving P.E.