
English Intent

Our aim at Meadstead is to give every child the opportunity to immerse themselves in every aspect of English. We aim to inspire our pupils to become confident, ambitious and creative with their writing.

Children will embed their learning through the process of exploring reading, spelling, punctuation and grammar. All concepts will be explored together to up-level and up-skill writing. Text maps will be used to aid with internalising and embedding skills in EYFS and KS1. In autumn 2, Year 2 will look to phase out of this and move towards developing independent writing.

We teach English using quality age appropriate texts. Pupils should make connections between reading and writing and be provided with the skills and knowledge needed to succeed throughout their time in the academy as well as a 21st century society. 

English Curriculum Documentation

English Curriculum Overview 23/24

English Writing Documentation

Meadstead Primary Academy 7 step writing sequence.docx

Our writing sequence

At Meadstead we use a 7 step Structure to our writing units: immerse, analyse, instruct, plan, write, edit and review. 

English Spine and Overview.docx
Writing progression map.docx

English Reading Documentation

Reading at Meadstead (1) (1).pdf

RWI Documentation