What is bullying?
Bullying is behaviour which deliberately makes another person feel uncomfortable, distressed or threatened. It is often repeated over a period of weeks and months. Bullies attempt to make their victims feel intimidated and powerless to defend themselves.
Why are we against bullying?
At Meadstead we believe that every member of our community matters because we know that:
Everyone regardless of their race, background or beliefs has the rights to feel welcome, secure, safe and happy.
Everyone has the right to be treated with consideration and respect.
We believe that bullying of any kind is unacceptable at our academy and will work with children, teachers, parents and carers to prevent bullying.
When bullying occurs we ask that children or parents report it to the academy (class teacher or learning mentors) So that we can investigate and deal with any concerns quickly and effectively
Our staff will always listen and it is important to tell a member of staff if you believe your child may be a victim of bullying. If you are unable to speak to your child's class teacher please contact the office (01226 722153) and ask to make an appointment to speak with our pastoral or thrive team.
What types of bullying are there?
Bullying occurs in many types and forms, it can be:
Emotional (being unfriendly, deliberately excluding someone, tormenting, using threatening behaviour)
Verbal (name calling, sarcasm, spreading rumours, teasing)
Physical (pushing, kicking, hitting, punching, or any use of physical violence
Extortion (demanding money, property, belongings using threats)
Cyber (All areas of the internet, email and internet chat room misuse, Mobile threats by text, phone call or picture messaging, Misuse of associated technology.)
Racial (Any comment, graffiti, gestures based around a racial stereotype or insult.)
Sexual (Unwanted physical contact, sexually abusive comments.)
Homophobic (Any comment, graffiti, gestures based around a stereotype or insult.)
What are the signs and symptoms of bullying?
Bullying affects different people in different ways and they may indicate signs or behaviours that show they are being bullied. Staff are trained to recognise these signs and will investigate and support a child if they believe their behaviour is as a result of bullying.
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