Keeping in Touch and Social Media
We like to keep our parents, children and local community up to date with all the latest school news and information.
Letters Home
We regularly send home letters regarding uniform, trips, news, and events via text message or email. Please make sure you read the letters carefully and complete any online permission slips promptly.
Weekly Newsletter
A weekly newsletter will be email out EVERY Friday with relevant information, message from the Principal, key dates, celebrations and upcoming events.
The Website -
Copies of letters, information about the curriculum, school policies and general information can be accessed via our school website.
Social Media - Facebook and Twitter
As well as the school website, we love to showcase our children's achievements on our Facebook page (, on our twitter feed (
Parent Consultation Meetings
We hold parent meetings every term. We believe that this provides you with the best opportunity to discuss individual's progress with class teachers. We are also happy to arrange meetings with individual parents at a convenient time if you there are any matters you wish to discuss.
Class Dojo
All parents have access to the Class Dojo app which allows them to track rewards, progress and access photographs of work. This app also allows parents to communicate with class teachers.
Notice boards
We have 2 large notice boards at the front of the school which contain information on forthcoming events and mental health and wellbeing support.
Assemblies and Production
We hold regular celebration and attendance assemblies. Parents and carers are always welcome to attend and share in the celebration of our children's achievements. All classes participate in a range of productions throughout the year and we hold a graduation assembly for our children at the end of the year.
Annual Pupil Reports
All parents and carers will receive a detailed report of their child's progress in the second half of the summer term.