(Y4) North America

Class Teacher - Miss M Barnes

Teaching Assistant - Miss F Brooksbank

P.E day

Your child's P.E lessons areMonday and Tuesday. Please ensure kit is brought into school on Monday and left till Friday. 

Children must attend school in full uniform on PE Days. 

Any earrings need to be taken out or covered with a plaster. 

Class Leeds Autumn 1.pptx

Reading at home 

Reading records and home reading books will be sent out daily. It is an expectation that your child reads at home independently, to an adult or be read to by an adult. This then needs recording in their home reading record to communicate with class teachers on their progression through reading.  This allows us to communicate between home and school on your child's reading fluency development. 

P.E day

Year 4 P.E days are Tuesday And Friday.  Children can come into school in their PE kits that day.

If it is not possible for your child to remove earrings they need to bring plasters into school to cover the earrings themselves.