Religious Education


The aim of RE at Meadstead is to build up a body of key foundational knowledge and concepts through our knowledge rich curriculum, pupils will be encouraged to recognise the power of rational explanation and develop a sense of excitement and curiosity about the world’s religions. They will be encouraged to take an inquisitive approach where they can develop an understanding and appreciation for the expression of beliefs, cultural practices and influences of world religions and worldviews in the local, national and wider global community developing an inclusive mindset. Pupils will develop independence whilst studying a curriculum that is ambitious for all. Children are encouraged to explore their own beliefs and reflect upon their personal opinions. 

Our RE curriculum also makes important contributions to other parts of the school curriculum such as citizenship, personal, social, health and economic education (PSHE education), the humanities, education for sustainable development and others. It offers opportunities for personal reflection and spiritual development, deepening the understanding of the significance of religion in the lives of others.

Curriculum Documents

24-25 RE long term overview- Kapow
R.E trips at Meadstead