Pupil Premium and Sport Premium
The staff of Meadstead Primary Academy are committed to ensuring that the teaching and learning opportunities provided in school meet the needs of all pupils so that all make excellent progress and achieve their potential.
The Pupil Premium allowance is allocated to schools in addition to the school’s budget share. This money is calculated on a given amount for every child in school who is entitled to free school meals or who has been entitled to free school meals over the last six years. The Government believes that the Pupil Premium, which is additional to main school funding, is the best way to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for free school meals (FSM) and their peers, by ensuring that funding to tackle disadvantage reaches the pupils who need it most.
Our school welcomes and shares the government’s aim of tackling all forms of disadvantage and works tirelessly to ensure inclusion and equal access for all learners.
We recognise that the Pupil Premium funding is allocated to children as a means of addressing some of the issues associated with social disadvantage and in particular, in narrowing and hopefully eventually closing, any gap in attainment. In making appropriate provision for this we also acknowledge that not all pupils who have been in receipt of free school meals are socially disadvantaged. We also recognise that that not all pupils who are socially disadvantaged are registered or have qualified for free school meals.
For the 2022 -2023 the allocated Pupil Premium for this school is £148,885. The funding will be used in a variety of ways to support children's progress and attainment including their emotional well-being. Major areas of spending will be on the provision of 'early intervention’ which is a dedicated to raising the achievements, progress and aspiration of children across the Academy. In addition, we are investing heavily in new a new curriculum that incorporates a broad and balanced input to children that will enhance their literacy and numeracy skills across the whole curriculum. Finally, we are using some of the funding to support our aim to raise pupil aspirations – that is for all pupils to seriously consider studying at university – so that there is no barrier.
We hope that, by providing the above, we will give every pupil the opportunities to ‘catch up’ with their peers. This will enable them to continue successfully into secondary education and then to study at college/university for a degree if they wish to do so.
Pupil Premium Intention to Spend 2021/2022
Pupil Premium Intention to Spend 2019/2020

Primary School's Sports Premium Funding
What is the Sports Premium?
The premium must be used to fund additional and sustainable improvements to the provision of PE and sport, for the benefit of primary-aged pupils, to encourage the development of healthy, active lifestyles. The premium must be spent by schools on making additional and sustainable improvements to the provision of PE and sport for the benefit of all pupils to encourage the development of healthy, active lifestyles
The sport funding can only be spent on sport and PE provision in schools.
Purpose of funding
Schools will have to spend the sport funding on improving their provision of PE and sport, but they will have the freedom to choose how they do this.
Possible uses for the funding include:
Hiring specialist PE teachers or qualified sports coaches to work alongside primary teachers when teaching PE
New or additional Change4Life sport clubs
Paying for professional development opportunities in PE/sport
Providing cover to release primary teachers for professional development in PE/sport
Running sport competitions, or increasing participation in the school games
Buying quality assured professional development modules or materials for PE/sport
Providing places for pupils on after school sport clubs and holiday clubs.
How will we be spending the Sports Funding and who will benefit?
The Governors agree that the money must be used so that: all children benefit regardless of sporting ability; that the most able children are given the opportunity to compete in advanced tournaments; that staff have access to training opportunities and continued professional development.
In 2022-23 Meadstead Primary Academy will receive an approximate sum of £17,748
The plan of how we intend to spend the sports funding during 2022-23 (figures are an estimation and may change due to inflation) will be published shortly.
If you would like any additional information about Sports Premium please contact Jake Simon (Assistant Head).
2021-2022 Sports Premium
2020-21 Sports Premium
CV-19 Catch up Premium